Ghost Factory
‘Ghost Factory – Post Human Executions’ is chapter co-authored with Magda Tyżlik-Carver, for Databrowser 6 – Executing Practices, published by Autonomedia in 2017 and Open Humanities Press in 2018. The text uses our collaborative, curatorial artwork Ghost Factory (pictured below), as a way of considering audience interaction and participation, alongside notions of immaterial labour; and how affects slip between the human and non-human registers of computational interfaces. Ghost Factory is an interactive sound installation and curatorial artwork, co-authored with Magda Tyżlik-Carver. It has been exhibited—in various forms—at Dark Sound Conference, Falmouth; Gas Lighting exhibition, Redruth; Executing Practices in Malmo; Affects, Interfaces, Events Conference in Aarhus and Transmediale in Berlin. |